Essential Cleaning Tips Before You Move Out of Your Apartment

Moving out of an apartment is already stressful and time consuming enough. You are in the midst of cleaning, organizing and moving in to a new space, getting paperwork finalized and figuring out how to transport everything to and from spaces. It’s a lot, especially when you’re doing it on a yearly basis.

On top of all that, you’ll want to leave your old space super clean to ensure you get your full security deposit back, which only adds to that stress. It’s very helpful to follow an apartment move out checklist to keep everything straight, so we put one together for you to make things a little easier.


  • dust all surfaces including ceiling features
  • clean all windows
  • wipe down all light switches and outlets
  • take all the nails out of the walls and putty them smooth
  • give the walls a wipe down
  • clean off baseboards
  • vacuum, sweep and/or mop all rooms

For all of your general cleaning needs, our Microbial Cleaning Cloths can be super helpful. Made with Silver Ion technology, they keep killing germs 24 hours a day. You can use them wet or dry so dusting and cleaning up surfaces in every room can be done with ease.


  • clean out cabinets
  • clean and disinfect all countertops
  • touch up the sink and faucet
  • scrub the refrigerator inside and out
  • scrub the oven and stove top


  • give the tiles, tub and shower a deep clean
  • remove all grime, hair, makeup and other marks from surfaces
  • clean the mirror
  • wipe down the sink, countertops and floor
  • scrub the toilet

For the bathroom and kitchen specifically, we recommend using our Botanical Disinfectant for the deepest possible clean. Our powerful formula kills 99.9% of germs, fungi, molds and bacteria, cuts through grease and grime and deodorizes too. These two rooms are probably the most important places to leave clean when leaving an apartment so don’t skimp out on your disinfectant.

Just remember, as annoying and time consuming as all of these tasks can be, it’s always worth it in the end to leave your apartment nice and clean for the next residents and of course, get your money back.
