A Dirty World Needs a Clean Hero

All The Cleaning Power. Zero Toxic Warnings. Say goodbye to scary warnings and chemicals. Say hello to the cleanest way to clean.

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over 2 million bottles sold

Eat Cleaner All Natural Fruit + Veggie Wash

Eat Cleaner All Natural Fruit + Veggie Wash

Lab proven to remove pesticides, and up to 99.9% of chemicals and residue from food


Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
606 Reviews
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CleanBoss Multi-Surface Botanical Disinfectant

CleanBoss Multi-Surface Botanical Disinfectant

The world's most powerful
botanical disinfectant and best in class multi-surface cleaner.


Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
4,942 Reviews
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Welcome to The Cleaning Revolution

Founder, Joy Mangano, is a trailblazing inventor in the cleaning industry with over 30 years of experience, beginning with the ultra-viral Miracle Mop among hundreds of other products.

Co-founder Armando Christian Pérez, Pitbull, saw first hand what cleaning chemicals can do on the front lines with his mother, an immigrant house cleaner in Miami.

Now, he's carrying the torch forward with Joy to make the world a cleaner, smarter, and better place.

The World's Most Powerful Botanical Disinfectant

Kills germs faster than your mom’s toxic spray without scary warnings or disclaimers.

Over the last 15 years, we developed a patented, hyper-concentrated formula that uses an industry leading concentration of thymol, a component of Thyme Oil.

The CleanBoss Magic

We're committed to making cleaning products that have zero toxic warnings, but still work as good or better than old school chemical cleaners. Because it's time the world wakes up to a new way of clean. All power. All clean. All in on the Cleaning Revolution.


Clean Food Without Chemicals

Even organic foods are sprayed with chemicals and pesticides. Protect your family with the world’s only patented and natural fruit and vegetable wash. Lab proven to remove pesticides, chemicals, dirt and wax, and up to 99.9% of chemicals and residue.

Join The Cleaning Revolution


Keep Summer Travels Safe: The Importance of Disinfecting Your Car

Keep Summer Travels Safe: The Importance of Disinfecting Your Car

While we diligently sanitize our homes and workplaces, one often overlooked area is our trusty vehicle. But fear not, as...

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Embrace Clean without Fear: The Revolution of CleanBoss Disinfectant

Embrace Clean without Fear: The Revolution of CleanBoss Disinfectant

In a world where cleanliness has become paramount, the search for effective disinfectants is more critical than ever. Yet, behind...

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Protecting Your Loved Ones: Why Botanical Disinfectants are the Way Forward

Protecting Your Loved Ones: Why Botanical Disinfectants are the Way Forward

In a world where cleanliness has become paramount, ensuring our homes are safe havens is a top priority. However, as...

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